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n. (plural of awn English)

Usage examples of "awns".

Then he understood that it was a field of grass, perhaps squirreltail with its plumelike flower spikes and silky awns.

Hundreds upon hundreds of the dead lay prone on the lawns as the rain lashed down on the Chandler Complex.

Vast, magically illuminated lawns and gardens receded into mystery on both sides.

All things reposed but man, and man is so busy with his vulgar aims that it quite dawns upon many people as a wonderful surprise how still nature is on a Sunday morning.

With it he could stand and watch the buck grazing in the glade, or a troop of fawns--sweet little creatures--so demurely feeding down the grassy slope from the beeches.

The fawns wander, and a man, if he choose, might often knock one over with his axe as he comes home from his work.

The fawns have come out from the beeches, because there is more grass on the slope and in the hollow, where trees are few.

The fawns fed away down the slope and presently into one of the broad green open paths or drives, where the underwood on each side is lined with bramble and with trailing white rose, which loves to cling to bushes scarcely higher than itself.

After the fawns had disappeared, the squire went on and entered under the beeches from which they had emerged.

They stood in sultry darkness beneath the shelter of the trees, a meter away from the brightly lit lawns.

Some bunch of sweat-stinking kids get a hydrant spouting and it drenches the storefront of a shylock who lives most of his time in Kipps Bay when he’s not sticking it to his Spanish Harlem customers, and he comes out of the pawnshop with a Louisville Slugger somebody hocked once, and he takes a swing at a mestizo urchin, and the next thi ng the precinc t k nows, they’ve got a three-star riot going on two full city blocks.

The Worker’s Handbook had some pretty stiff things to say about allowing the pawns of the Capitalist/Fascist Demagogues t o knuckle you under.

The sprawling acres of lawns and forests and hills and streams were suited to the clandestine nature of the conferences which generally took place at night.

The lawns and gardens behind the house, above the boathouse and the water, had been turned into an enormous outdoor fete champftre, as lane called it.