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asked around

vb. (en-pastask around)

Usage examples of "asked around".

They've been to their Ambassador, seen our Consul, been to Palace Security, consulted the Civil Guard and asked around at various Investigating Sorcerers uptown, all to no effect.

He'd asked around, but nobody knew, and nobody'd seen them at Beta.

But we asked around, just to be careful, in case it was some kind of coded suicide note.

Anyway, I had just finished working yet another in this unending list of waitress jobs, and I was thinking a lot about fluffing, so I just sort of asked around.

I read your notes in the chart, asked around about you, and found out you were good.

So I asked around, and I found out that it was the Ferengi behind the repair racket.

When I asked around for someone who might help me your name kept coming up.

Marco asked around a mouthful of bread, inwardly marveling at the fate that had brought him full circle to the point where he and Benito actually had spare clothing.

I thought, after you'd gone, that perhaps we should have asked around Brun's friends .

Mat took them as he came to them, ducking in long enough for Thom to flourish his cloak and tell a story, then let someone buy him a cup of wine afterwards while Mat asked around after a tall man with a white streak in his close-cut black beard and three women.