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a cold day in hell

n. (context idiomatic slang English) The time of occurrence of an event that will never happen.

A Cold Day in Hell

A Cold Day in Hell is a demo by American deathcore band Winds of Plague. It was released on June 27, 2005 on Recorse Records, when the band was just out of their senior year of High School. The album is no longer in print. It is often incorrectly referred to as the band's debut studio album, possibly due to its length and number of tracks, even though it is only a demo album. Several tracks including the album's title track have been re-recorded for the band's first studio album, Decimate the Weak. The album also features the song "Brotherhood", which is the only song from the album (apart from those re-recorded for Decimate the Weak) that the band performs live today.

The lyrical theme for the album is "life and brotherhood". After the album release, the band gained very much recognition through the Internet and local shows. However, Kevin Grant shortly left the band due to personal reasons - the rest of the band considered this a "harsh loss to the virtual world".' '